
Fundraiser Forms
Fundraising Request Form (PDF): Complete print and mail to office for potentate's approval. Mandatory
Fundraising Public Notice Announcements: Complete online and submit for distribution via "Amran Today: and Public Relations.
Fish Fryer Equipment Request Form (PDF): Complete and mail to office with Fundraising Request Form.
Fundraising Policies and Procedures (PDF) (Shriners International).
Annual Club and Unit Forms
Clubs Officer Information: Complete online and submit to office no later than January 30.
Units Officer Information: Complete online and submit to office no later than January 30.
Year end report (this will take you to Shriners International): Refer to Section #2, Pages 37a & 37b, complete the Excel forms (2), print, sign and mail or email to office by February 1.
Petition and Application for Membership
Petition for Membership (PDF): Print, complete and mail to office: required signatures required to process.
Application for Associated Membership (PDF): Print, complete and mail to office.
Petition of Restoration (PDF): Print, complete and mail to office.
Miscellaneous Forms
Request for Potentate's Official Visit or other appearances.
Expense Reinbursement Form (PDF): Complete online, print, and mail in with your receipts.
Hospital Transportation Driver Annual Insurance Certification Form (PDF): Complete online, print, and mail in by June 1 (required for All Nobles that transport patients to the hospitals)
Membership Data Update: Update your membership data and submit to temple office. Mandatory for civic parade participation.
Unit Civic Parade Information Sheet (PDF): Complete and mail to temple office. Mandatory for civic parade participation.