Amran Shriners in Raleigh North Carolina
Stated Meetings:
4th Wednesday of the Month
Social Hour 5:30-6:30
Dinner at 6:30 PM
Meeting at 7:00 PM
No meeting in June, July, November
Election of Officers on 2nd Wednesday in December


Amran Shriners Units

The Amran Shriners has many Shrine Units throughout our local area communities. These Shrine Units and Clubs host many social events and fundraisers throughout central North Carolina to benefit the Shriners Hospitals for Children in four medical areas: Orthopaedics, Cleft Lip & Palate, Burn Care, and Spinal Cord Injury regardless of a family's ability to pay.

Unit Name
Amran Shriners Burn Awareness Unit Information


The Amran Shriners Burn Awareness Unit collaborates with local fire departments, police departments, and elementary schools to promote fire safety and prevent accidents in the home for school-aged children. The Unit provides free information to educate educators, parents, grandparents, and children about the dangers of fire and the steps that can be taken to improve safety.

Additionally, the Burn Awareness Unit partners with the Amran Fire Brigade for parades and collaborates with the Zebulon Shrine Club at various community activities to raise awareness about burn prevention and what to do in the event of a burn. This unit advocate for Shriners Children's Burn Hospitals, which are recognized as leading centers for education, research, and treatment for children's burn injuries.


  • Wake County Library during Burn Awareness Week
  • Booth at the Got to be NC Festival in May
  • Table at the Amran Shrine Circus in October
  • Table at SASA in September
  • Table at the Masonic Home for Children Homecoming in October
  • Table at Several Local Community events (National Night Outs, Festivals)

Ceremonial CastMeet as needed or as required. Usually, the first Thursday of a month
Chef's CrewEvery Temple Stated Meeting.
ClownsMeet at Various Locations and Times
Fire BrigadeMeeting first Monday of every month at 7pm
HillbilliesWe meet monthly on the 2nd Thursday
Legion of HonorMeeting last Monday of every month at 7pm
Motorcycle ClubMeet at Various Locations and Times
Oriental Band1st and 3rd Sunday. Jam session 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Provost GuardMeets at Every Temple Stated Meeting
Red HotsDate and Times TBA
Road Runners / Flying FezJanuary, April, July, October 3rd Tuesday
Wrecking CrewCalled meetings

Many Nobles are members of Shrine Clubs as well as members of multiple Units within the Amran Shriners.

Membership provides an excellent outlet for Shrine activities and we welcome all Shriners, their Ladies and families, to join and Having fun and Helping Others.